Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

It has been slow, dreary weekend for me. We had supper with Daddy on Friday, as usual, and Erin & Matt came for dinner last night, also as usual. We cooked out; hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings. It was fun, but nothing special.

I, of course, always love spending time with Erin, but I am so depressed about Lindsey's job situation that I can't get excited about anything. We basically have no money except my salary. He has received his last paycheck from Dr. Smith and there is no money coming in from him at all.

What will we do when the creditors come knocking on the door? We stand a very good chance of losing the house and I don't know what to do.

I have put my name in the hat for the treasurer's position at the new Hayes-Inman Education Center which will be a promotion and more money if I get it, but not a lot more. I simply cannot support us on my salary.

I found out a month ago that I am diabetic, but I can't afford the fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grains that I need to control it and I can't afford the doctor visits either. I need to be exercising and losing weight but I am the type of person who eats when they are depressed, so guess what I want to do right now!

I have actually lost a little weight.....about 7 or 8 pounds over the last few weeks. That is good, but I need to lose a lot more.

At this time of my life......well, I thought I would have a house at the beach and would be able to help Erin when she needed it, not the other way around. What if I have to move out of this house? Where will I go? Will I move in with Daddy? He would be okay with that, but I don't want to do that. I could move to Yadkinville with Sandy. She says it is cheaper to live there. I could probably find a job in the school system.

I have to find another source of income. Writing comes to mind, but that is not a very quick process.

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