Saturday, May 22, 2010


Today we attended Zack's high school graduation. It was very nice and I was impressed with the talent some of his friends displayed. There was a party afterward and we had a great time. Zack will be attending Emmaeus in the fall. I know his family will miss him a lot. He is a very special young man.

I kept thinking about Mama during the ceremony and how proud she would be of Zack and Hannah and Logan (who graduated last year) and Erin (who is in her fourth year of teaching). She loved all her grandchildren so much!!

Everyone was there except Sandy & Chip, who had guests at the inn this weekend, and Brian and Kate and Logan. Logan has a job at a restaurant outside Raleigh. He must have had to work. And we missed Tami and Tyler, too. Tyler had ball games and All-Star practice.

I need to work very hard to keep up with everybody and I need to get on the ball and plan some get-togethers for this summer before Zack and Phil's girls go off to their colleges in the fall.

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