Friday, August 12, 2011

My Last Friday Off

Today is the last Friday I will be on summer hours and therefore off work. I don't know what to do with myself. We started summer hours on June 13th and every Friday since then I have either spent in a hospital, doctor's office, at Daddy's house going over his estate with my siblings or with Erin, helping her at her school and just hanging out. One Friday I drove to Martinsville, Virginia to pick Lindsey up from work when he decided he couldn't stay the full day (this was his first day back at work after his stroke).

It has been a terrible summer and I keep waiting for the next thing to go wrong. This summer my car broke down, the element burned out in the oven and my phone died. I still don't have the element replaced and my new phone has yet to arrive. Oh yeah! I currently don't have any hot water and every time it rains, the roof leaks in the upstairs bathroom.

School starts next Friday for the teachers and the following Thursday for the students. I am not ready because I have missed so much work this summer. I have so much left to accomplish!

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