Saturday, August 28, 2010

School Has Begun!

I made it through the first three days of school! It was good to see many of the children and their parents.

I sold last year's t-shirts at Open House but we still have over a hundred left. I don't think I will ever buy long-sleeved t-shirts again. This weekend I need to look at the cookbook fund-raiser Ms. Bass wants to do. If we are going to do that, we need to get started.

I will never understand why some parents are so lackadaisical about their children's education. If they don't value it, then their children certainly will not. We had the usual contingent of no-shows and late arrivals and those parents who feel it is alright to get their children out of school early on the very first day of school...and the second and the third.

But for the most part, everything went well. The teachers are going to run me crazy this year getting supplies, but I have tried to begin the year with a few simple rules about when I will be filling supply requisitions. I have actually told a couple of teachers and TA's "no"! I am quite proud of myself. But that means I am also bound by these standards I have set. I will be filling request every Monday morning whether I like it or not.

Another thing I started several years ago that is a lot of extra work is the Plan of the Day. Ms. Bass wants me to continue it, but that means I have to have quotes, an event in history or a holiday for every day of the school year and put it together to be emailed each evening. It is a lot of work. I enjoy the result though, so I want to do it.

I find each year that it is harder and harder to deal with the rudeness and downright meaness of some of the parents and their children. Some of them can be very nasty and quite unreasonable in their demands. I want to tell them exactly what I feel about them but, of course, that is impossible. I represent the school and I am restrained by that and a deeply ingrained sense of decorum and simple courtesy.

So....wish me luck and "Good Luck" to all the teachers and school employees at all levels both here and across the country. Remember, you are the only one who can change your particular circumstances. No one can do that for you no matter who they are or what they promise

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